Friday, January 8, 2010

I wrote this on January 4th but had no internet.

I couldn't make this up if I wanted to.
It’s currently 1:15am here. That means that most of you are probably eating dinner. I know I should be sleeping but I can’t. It’s not because I’m not tired it’s because of what just happened. So I arrived at my new host family at about 12:00pm today. As you know I loved my first host family. When they dropped me off I was very sad to see them go. My first impression of the new place was that it was smaller and a bit colder than the first, but still very nice. My host mom I would describe as Professor McGonagall-ish. She looked strict and care-worn, but still kind. She took me to my room and I began to unpack. The room was small and full of books. She had left books about Berlin on my bed and desk, and a gingerbread horse-shoe, which symbolizes luck in Germany, and some chocolates. She told me that Kyle, a man who is also in this program, had called for me earlier. I called him back and we decided to meet up later. Andrea (my host mom) told me we could eat a little after I had unpacked. I sat down on my new bed and felt a wave of homesickness wash over me, I don’t know why it hit me so hard at that moment, but I felt so desperate. After about two minutes of misery I told myself to get over it and continued unpacking. After about 30 minutes Andrea said my spaghetti was ready whenever I wanted it. I sat with her in a small but quaint kitchen and made small talk. I found out she and her daughter are vegetarian. For her career she helps disabled and old people so that they can live at home. Her daughter is 13 and like riding horses and plays the flute and piano. She said they are Buddhist and Christian. I didn’t quite understand all of it but nodded and smiled. After lunch I was exhausted. I don’t really know why but I could barely stay awake. I asked if I could take a nap and she said that was fine. I slept from about 2-4 and then Kyle called. We decided not to meet after all. I was okay with that because I was still pretty tired. I lay back down and tried to read for a while. I was not very successful. I woke up at about 1 and had to use the bathroom. I walked down the hall and appreciated the stuff on the walls. I liked my host mom’s taste in art. When I got back to my room I saw a picture on the floor in front of my door... Really… I can’t make this up. It was a picture of a young girl holding a knife up as if ready to defend herself or attack. I took a picture of the picture because I couldn’t believe my eyes. I thought maybe the picture would transform when I took a picture of it, like maybe it would become a picture of her holding daises for me or something like that. Nope it was still as creepy as when I first found it.
I haven’t met the daughter… but I think she wants to kill me… great. Could somebody tell me what the multiple curse words is going on?!?! If this is a joke, I don’t find it very funny. If it isn’t, how do I get the heck out of this house? I think I’m going to take the picture to school tomorrow and show it to Sheri, my teacher. Klaus and Claudia said they would take me back. I think I will take them up on that offer. Not gonna lie. I’m pretty freaked out right now. I can’t even turn off my light. I know I’m probably over-reacting, and when her daughter finds out how much I freaked out she’ll laugh herself silly, but seriously! Who leaves a picture like that in front of someone’s door? Do you think I’m over-reacting?


  1. woah!! that has to be one of the freakiest pictures that could be left there!! I really hope that everything turns out alright for you. I'll continue praying for you.

  2. Update us soon so we don't worry about you

  3. Laura, words can not describe how worried I am about you right now. Please update soon.

    You show that picture to someone at your program and you get out of that house.

    This is even more sketchy than when you wanted to sleep on strangers couches...

    Love you and hope you're doing well <3

  4. I assume that because you made later posts you didn't die, which is a huge relief. I think I would have been pretty creeped out and might have skedaddled.

    Miss you! Hope your having fun in Germany and aren't being plagued by creepy pictures.
